Monday, 11 May 2015

And I know I Shouldn't kiss and tell.

After Paying off my iPhone 6 + off this month I can finally look forward to next month and actually having money to spend on new clothes that are not for work but are for everyday. Like non-work clothes. Like Summer clothes, actual summer! Even if I don't get to wear them straight away they will be here waiting for me when I need them. I have a few things in mind that I want/need; dungarees, printed trousers, a coord set, more chinos, a ton of shoes, bracelets, sunglasses... etc. I already have the dungarees which came like 2 months ago and I love them. Makes me feel rather strangely young again. As you can tell from certain things I've picked theres not too much colour except from the two piece. It's not that there wasn't colourful stuff I loved on ASOS I just loved these items more. I am hoping to get my nephew the dungarees(Next) below so we can match. Sad I know. My nephew and my sister are moving back home on Thursday. Living in a house with my immediate family again is going to be rather strange and a little cramped but its going to be amazing at the same time. Seeing my nephew grow up right in front of me and of course teach him how to terrorise the rest of my family. Although I'm going to move out hopefully soon. Its time to take back my independence and my bedroom from the cleaner, mother. enjoy. 

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